Avril invited some of our grant recipients to her UK and Germany shows! Thank you Avril and the Avril Lavigne Foundation!
Dr, Karl Morten gives an update on his Lyme disease research funded by Lyme Treatment Foundation!
Wendy Phillips, Executive Director, Lyme Treatment Foundation
Wendy Phillips, Lyme Treatment Foundation Founder
Wendy Phillips, Lyme Treatment Foundation
Wendy Phillips, Lyme Treatment Foundation Founder
June 22, 2019
We had such a great time Striking out Lyme disease at Strikes at Boca! Thanks to everyone who came out, volunteered, and donated! Subscribe at the bottom of this page to be the first to know about future events!
Wendy Phillips, Lyme Treatment Foundation
April 6, 2019
We had a great time kicking it for Lyme, raising money and awareness for this debilitating disease. 100% of all funds raised at all of our events, goes to providing treatment grants to those with Lyme disease. Be the first to know about upcoming events, by subscribing to our email list below! We hope to meet you soon!
February 8, 2019
We had an amazing launch party! Thank you to everyone who came out and celebrated with us! We are just getting started. Let’s achieve our goal of Lyme treatment for all!
Be the first to know about future Lyme Treatment Foundation events by signing up below!